Garden Essentials
Prickle Weedkiller – 200ml
Controls Onehunga weed and other broadleaf lawn weeds.
Active ingredient: Contains 72g/litre bentazone in the form of a soluble concentrate.
General information: Grosafe® Prickle Weedkiller is a selective weedkiller for the control of Onehunga weed and other broadleaf lawn weeds. Contents will treat 100 square metres of lawn. Onehunga weed is very common in New Zealand lawns, producing a mass of small prickles over the summer. The optimum time to apply Grosafe® Prickle Weedkiller is in October, after the majority of plants have germinated and before they set seed. A second spray in autumn will reduce the problem for next season. Do not apply below 18oC or variable results may be achieved.
Directions: Shake well. Mix 10ml per litre of water and apply to 5 square metres using a spray unit or water can. Best practice is to wait 3-4 months before spraying newly established grass and a patch test is recommended. Do not spray if rain is likely within 24 hours. Keep pets off treated lawns until the spray is dry.
Compatibility: Grosafe® Lawn Guard is compatible with both Grosafe® Prickle Weedkiller and Grosafe® Hydrocotyle Killer. For enhanced performance use with Grosafe BioPower® Seaweed Flake to stimulate plant growth. Use with Grosafe EcoSpread® for improved rainfastness (30 minutes) and efficacy.
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