Asiatic Double

Fata Morgana

*Available May through to July*
  • 90-110cm

  • 8-10cm

  • Full Sun

These wonderful free flowering Asiatics are among the easiest of Lilium bulbs to grow and give a rewarding display of colour every year. Excellent in the garden or in the vase and is great as a backdrop to lower flowering plants or shrubs. They will grow well in most areas of the garden but prefer a sunny well drained position. Plant lily bulbs 8-10cm deep, 15-20 cm apart, in well worked soil. If drainage is a problem, plant shallower and mound soil over the bulb. A good dressing of fertilizer is recommended each Spring. To prevent aphid and occasional fungi attacks, spray new growth every 2-3 weeks with a recommended fungicide/insecticide. These free flowering plants can be left undisturbed for years. For best results year after year feed with our Bulb Food. Tip: snap off old flowers or seed pods to encourage healthy bulb growth.

Lilies in Containers:
Choose a container 15-20 cm in diameter and 20-25 cm deep, the size of the container really depends on the size of the bulb. 1-2 cm of gravel or broken pot should be placed in the bottom for drainage. Fill one third with good free draining soil mix, place the bulb in and fill at least 4-6 cm of soil over the top of the bulb. Keep adequately watered. Some varieties are particularly suited for pot culture and are magnificent in bloom especially when 3-5 bulbs are planted in a correspondingly large patio container.

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