Dahlia Border
American Pie
Dahlia American Pie produces single white daisy-like blooms - mottled with mauve and with yellow staining near the centre - from summer into autumn. In contrast, it has rich, dark, bronze-purple tinted foliage and chocolate-black coloured stems.
Flowering 30-40 cm high they are easy to grow and are a great variety for the borders and front planting in your Summer garden. Plant the tubers with the main growing tips just below the surface of the soil. Firm the soil around the tubers, being careful not to damage them.
- The best time to plant Dahlias here in NZ is September or October, but can be planted anytime from mid August through to late December.
- Dahlias love sun ,so choose a nice sunny spot in your garden. Ideally a spot that gets at least 4 hours of full sun a day.
- Dahlias will grow in almost any soil, but prefer well drained loamy soil conditions.
- Prepare the ground a few weeks before planting by digging over the soil thoroughly and adding a little well rotted compost and an application of general fertiliser.
- Before planting the tubers, apply stakes (for larger varieties) staking after planting damages roots and tubers.
- Plant your Dahlia tubers about 5-10cm deep and about 50cm apart with the eye facing upwards. Water well and keep moist being careful not to over-water.
For a full overview of how to plant Dahlias visit our Gardeners Guide.
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