Dahlia Pom Pom
Golden Scepter
Golden Scepter is a stunning cheerful variety that produce small, glowing yellow flowers in mass all season long... their long stems make them a nice cut flower variety, and look great in a vase.
Bloom size of 7-10cm wide.
Golden Scepter Pom Pom Dahlia’s provide dainty compact flowers with rounded florets. Flowering up to 130 cm tall they are very easy to grow and provide a riot of color each Summer .
Plant the tubers with the main growing tips just below the surface of the soil. Firm the soil around the tubers, being careful not to damage them.
- The best time to plant Dahlias here in NZ is September or October, but can be planted anytime from mid August through to late December.
- Dahlias love sun ,so choose a nice sunny spot in your garden. Ideally a spot that gets at least 4 hours of full sun a day.
- Dahlias will grow in almost any soil, but prefer well drained loamy soil conditions.
- Prepare the ground a few weeks before planting by digging over the soil thoroughly and adding a little well rotted compost and an application of general fertiliser.
- Before planting the tubers, apply stakes (for larger varieties) staking after planting damages roots and tubers.
- Plant your Dahlia tubers about 5-10cm deep and about 50cm apart with the eye facing upwards. Water well and keep moist being careful not to over-water.
For a full overview of how to plant Dahlias visit our Gardeners Guide.
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