Anemone Planting Guide
Anemones (also known as Windflowers) are one of the best-bang-for-your-buck varieties. One of the easiest ways to add colour and beauty to your Spr...
Read moreAnemones (also known as Windflowers) are one of the best-bang-for-your-buck varieties. One of the easiest ways to add colour and beauty to your Spr...
Read moreCrocuses flower to perfection in cold Winter districts, but are incredibly hardy, and do well across the country. They do well in shady, and damp a...
Read moreAmong one of the hardiest, easiest to grow Spring Bulb varieties, the Dutch Iris is a real must have. They are a fantastic cutflower, lasting for a...
Read moreFreesia’s are a Kiwi favourite - their stunning sweet scent and beautiful colourful blooms make for an instant impact in any garden. Freesia Bulbs...
Read moreGladioli Nanus are a beautiful dwarf, Spring flowering Gladioli - their smaller stature make them perfect in pots, or as a border plant. They are i...
Read moreThis pretty, dainty, bulbous plant can be found growing in the wild in South America. Surprisingly, its winter hardiness is good. Ipheion is not wi...
Read moreHyacinth’s are a heavily scented Spring Flowering variety that is fantastic grown indoors, in pots, or out in the garden - their striking colours m...
Read moreIxia Bulbs are perfect for New Zealand’s hot climates, but can be grown in most areas if planted under roof overhangs to restrict water, while stil...
Read moreMuscari, or Grape hyacinths as they’re often referred to, make outstanding border plants, and are fantastic for Naturalising. We recommend to alwa...
Read moreOrnithogalum (aka Star of Bethlehem, Chincherinchee, and a few other weird and wonderful nicknames) are a stunning South African variety - their bl...
Read moreNerines are an oldie but a goodie - According to a popular anecdote, Nerine got its common name (well, not so common in New Zealand), Guernsey lil...
Read moreScilla, also known as Bluebells, are the ideal Bulb for Naturalizing - they are hardy wee things, that enjoy part shade. Perfect for undertree plan...
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